Artificer - Broken Site Navigation

Within the Navigation module, I changed the image of the "More" icon from ellipsis-v to fa-solid fa-bars under the Systems "Site" menu. So far so good. Then I rearranged navigation items where "More" is the first one on the list. My goal was to eliminate ALL of the navigation items on my top menu to show only the stack icon. This did not achieve what I was looking to do. Thus, moving the "More" icon back to the original lineup, the functionality is no longer working - essentially, none of the other navigation pages appear when clicking on the icon.

So, I'm reporting a potential bug #1, and #2, I need a solution to remove all Navigation icons except for a Stack Icon. There's no way to change the style of navigation for that group in the Navigation module.

Please advise...thanks, Jethro

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