Blank white screen after creating account
After a person submits their email and password to create an account, it take them to a blank white screen. I can find anything in the error log. What could it be? The login works. I am using nginx. I think something happened after the update.
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Hello @Genesis !
Could you plz put the follwing line:
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
to the end of the inc/ file and check the login again?
- · Genesis
In reply to LeonidS
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Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function BxFormAccountCheckerHelper::checkPassword(), 1 passed in
/inc/classes/BxDolForm.php on line 1447 and exactly 2 expected in
/template/scripts/BxBaseFormAccount.php:20 Stack trace: #0
/inc/classes/BxDolForm.php(1447): BxFormAccountCheckerHelper->checkPassword() #1
/inc/classes/BxDolForm.php(862): BxDolFormChecker->check() #2
/template/scripts/BxBaseAccountForms.php(55): BxDolForm->initChecker() #3
/template/scripts/BxBaseServiceAccount.php(111): BxBaseAccountForms->createAccountForm() #4
/inc/classes/BxDolRequest.php(129): BxBaseServiceAccount->serviceCreateAccountForm() #5
/inc/classes/BxDolRequest.php(57): BxDolRequest::_perform() #6
/p in /template/scripts/BxBaseFormAccount.php on line 20
- · Алексей
In reply to LeonidS
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Я уже писал об этом в моем посте есть подобное
In reply to Genesis
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Could you please specify your UNA version? Also, are all your modules up to date in the Apps Market?
In reply to Алексей
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День добрый, @Алексей !
Пока сообщения об ошибках совсем другие, чем у Вас.
- · Genesis
In reply to LeonidS
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Everything is up to date. Version 13.1.0. It's happening on all my UNA sites.