Bug in "Create a Profile - Organization" Form?

When I want to create a profile for an organization, under the "visible to" option the point ---- is grayed out, but under the "who can post to my profile" option the point ---- is not grayed out and is selectable. Is this a mistake?

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Replies (13)
    • Which version are you on? Cannot confirm that for latest Alpha version. Check the "Add Organization" form if visibility setting is active.image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1786&dpx=1&t=1707402306

      • Yes, it is active. But the bevaviour of the "---"-option is different. Where can I choose which options (Me only, Public, Friends...) should be available or is this not possible?

        • Again, what's your version?

          • 14.0.0-A2

            • Ok. The dropdown field for visibility list gets filled by code. In that dropdown list you should be able to chose at least the "Me only" option. You could try to use developer tools in your browser, if you can see any error messages in the console.

              • I see the options, but the bevaviour of the "----"-field is different as I told in my first post.

                • Sorry, I thought you don't get any options. I'm pretty sure, it's on purpose. The reason is that a newly created org visible to no one doesn't make sense. If the creator doesn't want to make his org visible to the public when creating it, he can chose the "Me only" option.

                  • I think that this (----) is just a placeholder to make a paragraph.

                    • The element in the "Visible to form" is "<option value="" disabled="disabled">----</option>" whereas it is "<option value="" >----</option>" in the "Who can post to my profile form". The "disabled part" is missing here.

                      • Where can these selectable options be changed or edited?

                        • Hello everybody!

                          Thank you all for the signal, the ticket has been created https://github.com/unacms/una/issues/4632

                          • Thanks a lot for the quick reply. Concerning my question to the selectable options. Can they be changed because when someone registrates and chooses „Selected Friends“ you get the hint that „Custom privacy groups aren‘t allowed“ or is this the right behaviour?

                            • Yes, this is correct behavior - the organization doesn't have the list of friends yet before the creation.

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