Category dropdown menus

Does anyone know how to turn the checkbox categories into dropdown menus?

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Replies (5)
    • I can't check on mine end cause i'm having an issue with templates, but you can change your templates, then try to see if the categories layout change when creating an event, ect.....they should all drop down when that field is clicked on, if they don't which i don't think they do, then look for a custom template in the market or @LeonidS or someone else that knows better here can help you. Do a back up before you make any code changes, i got to go now, may the force be with you!!!!

      • right on! Thanks Will

        • your welcome bro!! I hope u can figure this out, Peace brother!

          • Hello @Stardreamer !

            Did you try also to change the type of the field via the Developer app?

            • Hi @LeonidS - Thanks for that. That's what I was looking for!! Works great. How do you feel about that search form automatic results dropdown issue when placed in the header Leonid? Is it something that's beyond us to tweak right now? If it is that's cool - otherwise I will keep beating my head against that wall. lol

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