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Hi folks. I am on the UNA Cloud4 server and I have tried to backup my site with the EXPORT button using various browsers over hours of time but it just hangs. Ideas? Thoughts? Thanks

  • 1819
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A BRAIN TEASER - I have created Spaces for each geographic region of Canada and wish to allow Members to create spaces somewhere within that framework. i.e. - I want all new Spaces created by members to be within one of the Spaces already in action (which would then become the Parent Space to the newly created one). How can I achieve this?

  • 2047
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User's list of friends appears above the list of spaces in the select dropdown menu when adding media,posts or whatever. As the option for SELECTED FRIENDS takes care of the job and people may have 100 friends in a long list it must be removable. Where do I find the place to tinker with this menu? Thanks anyone :-) image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=205&dpx=1&t=1647117633

  • 1961
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Does anyone know how to turn the checkbox categories into dropdown menus?

  • 1585
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Hi guys. Does anyone know how to put a button on the groups pages for adding content similar to the + add content button on organization and personal profile interior pages? Thanks!


  • 1583
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Many successes lately with UNA so I have a lot to be grateful for... Nevertheless here are some of my failures...

1.Numerous attempts to get google connect, facebook connect, twitter connect to work - all failures. So very confusing. So many hoops to fly through. I don't want to make an app per se (right now) - I just want users to be able to invite their contacts from these sites to join and for users to login using these sites if they want. I'm at the point of giving up on that, but what a difference on site growth it could make. I guess I'm just not smart enough to figure it out... and who does one call at these companies for help? No people there. Just robots.

2. I tried turning the video section into a more intuitive YouTube, Rumble, Oddysey like video section. I failed ultimately. The search mechanism on UNA does not facilitate same page searching which is how these sites operate. Youtube - not Google - is the most active search engine worldwide I have heard. People want to watch, upload and share videos more than anything else now - so this and Messenger are the primary applications people need I feel. UNA videos are so well set up for the user to upload but the intuitive function of the video page isn't there. UNA needs an amazing search for video on the page - thats all really, and were there! and seem to have a workaround in action with iframes I think. Categories are virtually useless in the video world. Hashtag channels are great of course in the video page, they essentially provide search results when clicked. Sites will fail simply because the video pages suck in an age when they can't to succeed. It really needs to be a one page environment. My opinion only.

3 Artificer - There are many great things and yet other not-quite ready aspects to Artificer making it unsuitable for now. Search in header is great. Worked on the Artificer template for a month. Comfy with using just the raw styling but there are aspects out of wack or missing the pushed me over to protean, which is fine, except for the search not being a formfield clearly available in the header.

4. I failed at removing form fields for street and name fields using CSS - though I don't know why. Display: none code seemed right. No big deal but a little mystery. Many minor failures, but such is the day to day of any of us playing or working with web tech. Ever-changing, re-arranging.

I succeeded in getting The Canada2 Community Network beta-launched at on Tuesday, the 2nd day of the 2nd month in the year 2022 at 2:22 PM. I had a toast and smoke ceremony to celebrate the occasion! I greatly appreciate the Boonex team for all they did, and are doing, to make the world a better place.

  • 1523
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Anyone know where I can find the Icons form fields to change them in the timelines? Not in the usual places it seems.


  • 1324
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I just became a member of Locals-com, to check it out. A Very intuitive platform that nicely leads one through the sign up process. Just how it should be. Next to nothing on the Locals website but your simple profile until you join groups (profiles) which produce a shared feed, which is where any action is. Still the site is smooth as silk. It really doesn't have anything else but the profile and feed sharing but its huge and worth billions already. Basically just the Groups platform from here it seems. Thoughts anyone?

  • 1310
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Stardreamer Discussions
Backup export hangs on Cloud 4 una server
A Question on the Spaces module
Removing FRIEND LIST from Visibility menu
Category dropdown menus
Putting + ADD CONTENT button on group pages