creating web site and hosting

I am literally new in this platform. I need to know how to create a social network website and specifically if the hosting MUST be with UNA hosting, or if I can use my godaddy account to do it!

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Replies (6)
    • you can use any hosting una is free to use at its base level i use fast comet hosting.

      • Hello Hector Lopez !

        You may install UNA on any hosting which satisfies these requirements:

        • My clients turnkey Internet and tmdhosting

          • So I did see they recommend, non shared servers, do to the chat features of Rocket chat or Jot...

            It stated in the "start pages":

            Any server which complies with minimal requirements is suitable, but for installing Jot and Rocket.Chat server you will need dedicated server, VPS or Cloud instance.

            We recommend to use UNA Cloud which is dedicated cloud instance which can be resized on demand up to 192GB RAM, 32 CPU, 3840GB SSD

            So I'm on a shared package as of now with Arvixe using Dolphin v7.3.5. Will this not work?

            ...And so which hosting plan would be more beneficial? 

            * Dedicated

            * VPS


            If I could stay with the server host I have, that would be great. Will Jot or Rocket not work on a shared server? Is there no way to set up RMS for these features?

            • Hello James Zandreiatti !

              Will Jot or Rocket not work on a shared server? Is there no way to set up RMS for these features? 

              By our big experience, there is no exclusion - there is always impossible to install NodeJS or open ports in shared servers.

              • A VPS is better than shared hosting and allows more configuration and is inexpensive. Dedicated would be the best but a bit more pricey. Cloud is still a shared environment so limited on settings and installation of dependencies. You can use JOT on a shared package using an external JOT server.

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