Display problem in the albums module

When I click in the albums module on a photo to have the album in full page, the photo starts to appear and disappears.

Do you have any idea about my problem?

Thanks in advance

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Replies (4)
    • una I think it's much less attractive than dolphin. I worked for 10 years with dolphin starting from 5th to 7th and for the past 1 year I have been disappointed by una.

      • Hello @LoneTreeLeaf !

        I couldn't reproduce it from my side on 14.0.0-A3 (Win7 + latest Chrome and FireFox). Could you please specify your UNA version (template too), your OS and browser(s) where you noticed such trouble?

        • Hello and thank you.

          I tested it on all browsers (chrome, braves, firefox, opera)

          I think I just found the problem by looking in the logs I noticed that during image processing I have an SSL error that appears. I will resume my complete server configuration and I will keep you informed. This could possibly be useful to others.

          • Good morning.

            It was indeed an SSL certificate problem which contained an error. I put everything back in order and now this page works correctly.

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