Edit splash page

Hi there ok try to make this the last question editing the splash page , am looking for place to change wording and edit images ??

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Replies (35)
    • also when you login where it says this "Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."  were to change edit it also , although i like the saying 

      • Unity is strength, I know how to do.
        Go Polyglot -> Keys
        Search for "unity" (should be enough)
        And you will find the key that hold the text. Just open the key and delete the text.

        • In Polyglot you can edit all wording. Sometimes it takes time to find the exact keys to change. Fortunately the is a search bar.
          Editing images is a whole different thing. Which images are we talking about? Because they are placed in different places.
          Oh yes - get used to use CTRL-F5 to refresh the page.

          • The ones on the actual splash page 

            • I think you are referring to these here on the server
              You will have to get your hands a little dirty on this one.
              In FTP I made a folder I call "Images".
              In Designer->splash you can see the code. I just change the path of the pictures on the server to my own.
              You can also overwrite the existing pictures(use same filename) in the original folder.

              • ok ill check it out mate thanks 

                • Awesome mate found them through the cpanel 

                  • Yes I have been playing with the splash now on my own page. I will keep the Animation but changed the text.
                    But in the folder I mentioned somewhere else, you have all the images.
                    The issue i have with the splash page, is that it has to be in two languages. but i'll find a solution.

                    • yep i found the file through the cpanel where the pictures are thanks mate and 2 languages, man im aussie and struggle with english as it is lol 

                      • I want to warn - the splash page does not work on mobile devices. Users will see the broken page layout.

                        • Thanks for the heads up there mate 

                          • I do English and Khmer. I do a National social network for the Cambodian government. It is supposed to serve as a bridge between the people and the government, 1st step to transparency. I don't even speak or write Khmer. i use Google translate. I hired two guys for the translation, but fired them yesterday, when they started sniffing cocaine.
                            But when it's all done, Facebook will be blocked from Cambodia. Yeah!

                              • Hi All.  Any idea how to remove the "Connect", "Share" and "Create" icons and text on the splash page?

                                • Hello OwnerOps !

                                  Just remove the following code in Studio->Designer->Splash area:

                                            <div class="bx-spl-line bx-spl-l2 bx-def-padding">

                                              <div class="bx-spl-cell bx-spl-c1">

                                                <div class="bx-spl-ccnt bx-def-padding">

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-cicon connect"><div class="animation"></div></div>

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-ctitle bx-def-padding-sec-topbottom bx-def-font-h2"><bx_text:_sys_txt_splash_connect /></div>

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-ctext bx-def-font-grayed"><bx_text:_sys_txt_splash_connect_text /></div>



                                              <div class="bx-spl-cell bx-spl-c2">

                                                <div class="bx-spl-ccnt bx-def-padding">

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-cicon share"><div class="animation"></div></div>

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-ctitle bx-def-padding-sec-topbottom bx-def-font-h2"><bx_text:_sys_txt_splash_share /></div>

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-ctext bx-def-font-grayed"><bx_text:_sys_txt_splash_share_text /></div>



                                              <div class="bx-spl-cell bx-spl-c3">

                                                <div class="bx-spl-ccnt bx-def-padding">

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-cicon create"><div class="animation"></div></div>

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-ctitle bx-def-padding-sec-topbottom bx-def-font-h2"><bx_text:_sys_txt_splash_create /></div>

                                                  <div class="bx-spl-ctext bx-def-font-grayed"><bx_text:_sys_txt_splash_create_text /></div>




                                  • Awesome!  Thank you.  That did it!  once last question is how to replace the main splash image if Boonex/UNA is hosting my site?

                                    • Hello OwnerOps !

                                      In this part of the splash code:

                                      <img src="<bx_image_url:spl-image-main.svg />">

                                      you may set the own image URL

                                      • Hi, I'm struggling to replace the default splash image with my own. I've tried adding in my image URL but nothing shows up. My site is hosted by UNA.

                                        • Hello PaulDJ8& 

                                          You may upload your image to the Studio->Storage->Images area. Then take the URL of the uploaded pic (it will look like [UNA URL]/s/sys_images/ze3dw7y2eyianurmrxkcbiqvvvqdjc9q.jpg ) then paste this URL instead of Splash like <bx_image_url:spl-image-main.svg />

                                          • can you please advice me ,  i can see the connect , share , create animation.  
                                            1. how to change that image
                                            2. how to change the text

                                            Find like-minded people, make new friends, follow interesting authors and stay in touch anywhere.

                                            • Hello baranivin !

                                              1) It is mentioned here https://una.io/page/view-discussion?id=4187 

                                              2) Via Studio->Polyglot->Keys area. Just enter the necessary worlds which should be replaced and edit the found keys.

                                              • tq soo much sir

                                                • sir can you help me on this matter .  

                                                  how can i replace

                                                  <img src="<bx_image_url:spl-image-main.svg />">

                                                  to json animation.  

                                                  can u give me the code how should i do that so i can just replace the file name

                                                  • If you have the ready URL like https://my_image.com/this_image.svg you may paste it directly instead of the mentioned fragment like <img src="https://my_image.com/this_image.svg"> 

                                                    • sir tq but i wanted to know how to replace svg to json.   

                                                      do i simply replace <img src="<bx_image_url:spl-image-main.svg />">  to  <img src="<bx_image_url:spl-image-main.json />">

                                                      is is there any coding need to be done. pls advice and what is the coding like .. tq

                                                      • The direct replacement is simple - try to put pl-image-main.json to template\images\ folder. But it seems will not work bythis way :-)

                                                        • i would like to make this part as json animation.  how to do this sir

                                                          • yes sir i didnt work in this way , is there any other way

                                                            • You will need to insert the code of JSON processing directly instead if this fragment in the Splash editor:

                                                              <div class="bx-spl-preload">

                                                                          <img src="<bx_image_url:spl-image-main.svg />">


                                                              Or in the other necessary place.

                                                              • An easier way to change the cover image is go to designer and then cover image.


                                                                But yes, changing the wording is found in polygot / keys and search for 'unity'

                                                                the key is:


                                                                • I replaced the splash page main image with my own image, keeping the file name and location the same. Now, the latest update <12.1.0 Installed: 18 Jul 2021> to <UNA 13.0.0-A2> will not install. The error reads:

                                                                  "Can't apply upgrade because the following files were modified: template/images/spl-image-main.jpg, template/images/spl-image-main.png"

                                                                  I suppose I could try replacing my images with the originals, just for giggles to see if that will work. But, I can't find the original copy, I may have deleted them because I never thought this would matter. (A) where can I find a copy of these two files, and (B) why does this matter, or is this a deeper concern??

                                                                  • Hello @Bill at HTN4U !

                                                                    A) You may take the original images here https://github.com/unaio/una/tree/master/template/images

                                                                    B) To make the upgrade process smooth , UNA watches for all changes with the original files to avoid the errors.

                                                                    • Thank you @LeonidS! I've downloaded the SVG file from the github source. Thinking that if I convert this file to jpg and png, upload to UNA directory, I can give it a try. Not sure if this will work, since technically not original, but the repository didn't have the jpg and png versions.

                                                                      • ...Of course, my other option is to unpack a fresh install on a local machine and grab a copy of the two files.

                                                                        • I guess you have been informed about those files because you added them to this folder. By default, as you rightly noticed this directory doesn't contain both.

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