editing visibility list for posts
Hi, Is there a way to edit the visibility list dropdown that appears when making posts? Even jsut reorderng them. I've hunted high and low and can't find a list.
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Hello Nabil !
As Visibility is a system field and it's easy to corrupt the work there you'd better to sort it via Javascript.
Add "raw" block with the following code to sort out the variants for Visibiltiy field:
<script> some sort code with $("input[name='allow_view_to']) selector </script>
- · John Curtis
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LeonidS . Is there a way to remove the Visibility option from "only" the homepage? It doesn't do anything on the homepage anyway.
I have found your solution... If you download developer tools. Then go to forms>>timeline>>post blocks>> there will be a option to disable the visibility of the create post function! Hope this helped.
Hey@LeonidS thanks for helping out on this!
Please excuse my ignorance, but can you be a bit more specific on what should go in the script? For example, what would it look like to only show Organizations and Spaces in the Visibility list?
Okay, so I have found some settings that get me close to where I want to be!
Studio > Settings > System > Site Settings > Hide post to context for modules in Privacy field