Enterprise Social Network

We are trying to implement UNA as our intranet/extranet, with areas for employees and also for clients. At the moment it is quite painful to have to add users via registration, and I was wondering if in the future there will be an option to:

  1. Create users directly by Admins
    Imagine, a new person comes to the office, a new client needs access
  2. Admins to assign users directly to groups/spaces
    At the moment the group admin has to invite the user to the space, the user has to accept the invitation, the admin has to accept the accepted invitation... It would be easier if admins can just tick boxes of users to be added to groups

When dealing with clients all the groups are secret groups, as we don't want clients to know/contact other clients. Same happens with providers/suppliers. At the moment all this set up is quite time demanding. It would be great if things can get easier in the future, as the system itself looks very good.

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