Examples of the different block designs?

Is there a way to set a block to not show a photo with the item? In the case of events, maybe one where the date is shown in the list? 

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Replies (10)
    • Frankly I don't see any difference between the several choices. 

      • IMO

        That doesn't seem possible.

        Are you referring to the page when you click the events tab? That page shows the events with the cover images. 

        Have you considered changing the events landing page to yoursite/page/events-calendar

        That would show the month with highlighted days without images.

        • I have the block on the home page and it shows the image blocks and the event headline but not the date. I've tried changing the block design in Studio/Pages and nothing changes on the page. 

          • Changing to the calendar is a good idea, but need to figure out how to do this. 

            • In the Studio>Navagation>



              Look for the Events there you will edit the URL to whatever you need. In this case, it's /page/events-calendar, there is no need to put the site name too, just /page/events-calendar 

              • page.php?i=events-home is what was there. i tried replacing home with calender but it didnt work. then I tried /page/events-calendar but not the whole area is broken. Changed it back and it isn't updating. 

                • And then suddenly it started working!. I modified the URL that was there, but for a different item in the navigation area I think. 

                  • Please specify why did you want to replace "home with calender". You could just Add a new block, then choose there Module "Events" and block "Events calendar". But that's nice that it it works again :-)

                    • I changed the events icon to link to the calendar page instead of the one with the images and titles. It's a ton of work to come up with appropriate images for events. Is there a format option that can turn them off? Maybe only showing them for featured events? Or creating images for the categories and have them auto populate? Also would be good to turn off the little square image in the middle of the graphic, or would that cause problems? 

                      • We'll consider removing image and leave cover image in Groups based modules, including Events:


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