Garrett Ewald

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If I have a third party web based tool I'd like to integrate into our UNA site, what's the best way to do that? 

  • 2553
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Figured out that it is possible to have multiple levels of parents and children, but it's a little quirky. Had to add the lowest level first and associate them with a parent, and when I was done making child spaces I could go back and add the parent to a parent above it. If I did it the other way when I created the child spaces they couldn't see the parent if it was already linked to a parent already. 

Any idea if there is a limit to the number of parent levels that can be created? 

Now to make it so the child pages don't show by default on the Spaces page. Defeats the purpose of the nested structure. 

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I spent time yesterday creating cover images for my groups. Frustrating that identical sized images behave so differently. Attached is the view on my iPhone. Same problems on the desktop. 

Would it be difficult to have an option for the cover image to shrink to fit the available space? Do other templates handle cover images the same way? It would be nice too to have the option to turn off the floating image, or to select where it appears. Right now it is dead center in the space and conflicts with the images I'm putting behind it. 

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Is there a way to modify/edit/add to the series of tour prompts that load when I log into my site? 

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One of the three emails about responses to another forum thread I just got had a link of a type that never seem to work for me. (not sure why the link is invisible right now so I hope it is pasted below)

                                                         Mark Purser added a comment to discussion Spaces isn't very cle…                    2019-04-16 02:45                          

  • 3255
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Subscribed to spaces on my site, but can't see how to use it with groups. Hopefully, I didn't misunderstand the brief description of what it does. Understood it to be a way to organize groups. 


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Is there a way to set a block to not show a photo with the item? In the case of events, maybe one where the date is shown in the list? 

  • 1853
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Our site will have group memberships shifting every fall (and part of the name will be updated too occasionally). This is replacing a system where past year's groups kept their site live even after people stopped using it, mostly for the photos and class list. Most of the other content isn't timeless, and what would be would be protected by the structure of the the UNA site. I'm tempted to purge data, but some might lobby for a way to retain it. Does this exist now? 

  • 1624
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Is it possible to set a default cover page image and icon that is unique to a category (but can be overridden)? Especially on events, the creator may not always have an image available, but the event category could easily have a default image set for it so the item doesn't look so generic in the lists. Groups, channels, and organizations could have one too, but those are longer lasting items and a creator would have time to arrange or create an image to post. 

Also, what is the ideal ratio for a cover image? Is it possible to have the area rotate through some images or even have a video associated with it like the default splash page? If I build a composite image for the space, what is the safe zone like so any images aren't cropped badly? It looks like the image changes it's ratio depending on the window size/screen size so this may not be practical to consider. Abstracts and patterns might be safest. 

  • 1698
Garrett Ewald Discussions
Integrating features from other services
Spaces, multiple levels of parents
Cover images
Modifying the tour that starts when the site opens?
Mandrilapp links don't work
Spaces isn't very clear