How do I reduce used disk space?

Hi all

I need to reduce the space used on disk.

I was checking the storage folder and I could see that what takes up the most space are the profile and cover photos of the people and the photos published in the forums.

I thought about deleting the accounts of people who have not entered the network for years. And the forums that were published more than 1 year ago and are no longer active.

Is there a third party app that allows me to do this? would be ideal.

Or would I have to do it using sql statements? In this case, what should I take into account when deleting a record from the accounts table, for example, or from the forums table? because surely they are related to other tables, but I don't know where I can see that relationship.

Thank you so much.

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Replies (11)
    • Hello @Claudio Acosta !

      UNA facilitates the automatic deletion of inactive accounts. To accomplish this, please navigate to the Studio -> Settings -> Account area, and specify the "Delete accounts with no login within N days" option for the "Accounts pruning" parameter. Additionally, please set the value of the "Accounts pruning period (in days)" option to the desired N parameter.

      • Hello @LeonidS

        I thank you for the answer.

        I can't find those options in Settings - Account.

        My UNA version is 12.1.0

        Could it be because of that?


        • Thats how it looks in 13RC3


          • Thanks @Peter

            I'll have to wait for stable version 13 then, because I don't want to switch to a non-stable version because of any problems I may have.

            • Hello @LeonidS

              I ask you 3 questions:

              1) Will the stable version 13 be ready in March?

              2) Which tables, besides bx_forum_discussions, do I have to take into account when deleting a record in bx_forum_discussions ? I need to delete many forum posts.

              3) If I update to the non-stable version 13, may I have problems with registering on the web and using the forums? Currently works under this non-stable version? I ask because I want to evaluate the cost-benefit of changing to a non-stable version.

              Thank you.

              • @LeonidS I would greatly appreciate your response.

                • Hello @Claudio Acosta !

                  Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused by the delay. Let us now address your queries:

                  1) At present, we have not yet defined a release date, but we advise you to keep abreast of our news to stay informed.

                  2) To ensure the proper removal of all associated content, such as photos or videos, we strongly advise that you delete your Discussions posts only via the Manage page.

                  3) The release candidate versions are currently in a satisfactory state, and you may consider utilizing them at this juncture. Additionally, please be informed that is currently employing version 13 RC3.

                  • Hello @LeonidS

                    I have nothing to apologize for, everything is fine.

                    1) I will be expectant.

                    2) I understand that you refer to this page:

                    The awkward thing is that having more than 4000 posts like in my case, it is very difficult to go to the oldest posts. The pagination system does not allow going to the end. It would be nice to be able to filter by dates. It is a suggestion, hopefully they can take it into account for a future version.

                    3) I have another page with UNA, so I'm going to try version 13 RC3 then

                    I thank you very much for the answers.


                    • Not sure if deleting some users will help much unless they have loaded lots of media to your server. I would sort the files in both folders (media & photos) unless they are in same folder - sort them by date and delete files over 1 yr or 2yr. Also, if you have access to the database, you can write some queries via phpMyAdmin to delete old data that is no longer needed. You can also setup a weekly Cron job to cleanup old stuff for you. But before you do anything, I would fully backup the site.. Cheers.

                      • Hello @AJ Fariss !

                        Your current method of removing outdated files from the server has the potential to result in empty images and videos on the website or content without proper authorship attribution. It is advisable to utilize the administrative functions or the running component for file removal instead.

                        • Hello @AJ Fariss I'll keep it in mind. Thank you so much.

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