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UNA 14RC3 cloud hosted by UNA

I created a custom RSS block. Testing a custom URL as block title works fine. BUT that makes it impossible to edit the block again (neighter studio/page nor studio/dev/page). The target is the defined link and not the edit "" block.

Fortunately you can still move this block to the Inactive Blocks Section.

Is there a trick to get rid of this block once and for all?


  • 771
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UNA 14RC3 cloud hosted by UNA

Since February 18th I have missed the daily email 'pruning results'. No settings have been changed since then. What could be the cause of the missing emails 'pruning results'?

Can anyone confirm this?

  • 1707
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UNA 14RC3 -cloud hosted by UNA - all mods updated.

Concerning the UNA core invitations module @LeonidS and the 'invite by email' in the great affiliate module by @AQB Soft

Can anyone confirm? Right now anybody can sent an invitation to any email adress. No matter if this email adress is already registered or this email adresses already got an invitation and is in some kind of 'pending' status. Is that how it should work?


  • A) and D) User can send invitation to the own email adress
  • B) and C) Users can send invitation to already registered emails, the admin in this case

An Additional Question to both UNA invitations & AQB Affiliates : Where can a member manage the invitations he has sent? At least the ability to see a list of email addresses an invitation was sent to?

I think I remember in older UNA versions there was a message when sending an invitation to an already sent or already registered email, was it like that?

( imagine using the points system or any other one to reward users by sending invitations... a real mess ;)

  • 2369
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14RC3 cloud hosted by UNA

May be I misunderstood the concept of ''group visibility setting by membership level''. Right now the group setting ''visibility'' by membership level does not work correctly. No matter what combination of settings is done.

  1. The defined membership level cannot see the group in ''groups-home''. Even site admin cant see the group in ''groups-home'' but at least in ''joined'' and ''followed''.
  2. Search groups: The group is listed when searching by group name.
  3. Search groups: The group is listed also for ALL other membership levels. What of course is not the idea of visibilty setting by membership level.
  4. Search results : The defined membership level can use the grouplink and see / join the group.
  5. Other levels can see but not use the grouplink ++ , that is fine.

Can anybody confirm?

  • 794
Reposted OneEagle's discussion.


My logo (image + business name) is wide and doesn't look great on UNA because of the default logo size in Artificer, the top navigation menu and the toolbar member icons (notifications , messenger etc) that occcupy too much space in the top navigation bar.

I would like to display one version (short version) of my logo to members and another one (long version) to guests as many items of the top navigation bar don't show to non-logged-in users. Please how to achieve that?

Facebook does the same. They got a short and long version of their logo as you can see on the images below.

One version for logged-in users:


and another one for visitors:


I know there is this tickect #4656 possibility to upload separate images for Light and Dark modes but that's not what I am talking about.

It would have been great to also be able to upload multiple logo versions/images and set the membership level visibility. 


  • 1880
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UNA 14RC3 cloud hosted by UNA

Trying to download the Files module by UNA from studio/purchases gets an ''error occured'' message and the download is not possible.

Can anybody confirm? What could be the solution to get the download done?

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UNA 14RC3 cloud hosted by UNA

Setting the Permissions for exp. reports, favorites and feature by Userlevel is atm not possible, as there are thousands of entries offered in studio/permissions/...userlavel...




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UNA 14RC3 cloud hosted by UNA

Right now, all ''user content report'' messages are sent by Email only. In general I try to avoid this email flood caused by the site and prefer notifications on site whereever possible.

UNA team, please make it possible to have the choice

  • A) Reports only sent by EMAIL or
  • B) Reports only sent by NOTIFICATION on site or
  • C) both of them

In case of A) and C) an additional email-field in admin/studio/settings to send user-reports to this email would be very much appreciated.

  • 1317
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UNA 14RC3 hosted cloud by UNA

I wonder if anybody can confirm. After upgrade to RC3 creating a Custom Page in studio/pages results in endless spinning. The page will not be created.


  • 923
Peter Discussions
Be aware of a custom link as title in a custom block
Pruning results message missing since 2 weeks
Invitations - anybody can send invitations to already registered email adresses
Group setting ''visibility'' by membership level does not work correctly
[resolved] Files Module (byUNA) download from studio/purchases gets an error
Studio/Permissions show 30k+ entries for report, feature and favorite