How to copy more recipient when reply a message during conversation
Please does anybody know if it is possible to copy more recipients while replying a message from the inbox of conversation. if yes, How do i go about it. I need help please
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Hello @pillarcom !
By default, this action is only feasible at the onset of the conversation; however, within the Messenger application, it may be executed at any point during the exchange.
- · pillarcom
In reply to LeonidS
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I'm not clear with this. could you please make the explanation clear to me please
- · pillarcom
In reply to LeonidS
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I'm not clear with this. could you please make the explanation clear to me please
You can't add more new persons to the conversation after its creation. In Messenger it is possible to do so.
- · pillarcom
In reply to LeonidS
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Ok, I are you referring to the messenger I'm trying to setup?
i mean the one i have been having conversation with you on
Yes, I mean that Messenger with Jot server.