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Hello, Is like the smtp is no longer working. When new members registered on my platform, they no longer get confirmation email. don't know how to resolve this. though I change my VPS server from the previous one I used to a new one. I will be glad if any one can give the support on how to get this issue resolved.

Thank you

  • 583
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I'm having issue to login to my website and I don't think this is related to invalid login. it keeps redirecting to the home page without successful login. attached to this message is the video that shows the issue I'm having.


please I need help

  • 527
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Hello, please I need help on how to create more categories for discussion. I noticed only the general categories was created and there are non again. please i will appreciate if someone can give me the information on how to create more categories.

thank you image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1483&dpx=1&t=1690772076

  • 937
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Hello, can someone help. I noticed some of my content are shrinking together, creating so many empty spaces i dont know where the issue is coming from. does anyone have a solution on how to resolve this issue?

I will really appreciate support to get this resolved.

  • 1038
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Please A anyone that can be of great help with this.

I notice if I set the visibility of the quiz module to membership. it does not work, no body can view the quiz on the quiz home, except the quiz visibility is  set to public.

For example, if I set the quiz that only standard members can view this quiz, even standard members cant see the quiz in the quiz home page. it keep showing empty page.

I have checked all settings and I cant see where I'm getting it wrong.

Please look at the screenshot and advise what to do @AQB Soft @Anton L @Igor Lebedev @LeonidS @Alexander @

  • 839
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I noticed I cant chat with anybody from the chat box, please I want to confirm if I'm the onlyone having this problem or it is general problem. please i need someone to update me

  • 1205
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image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1379&dpx=1&t=1687459943I noticed the thumbnail image on products are not displaying, what could be the reason please.

can anyone helpout?

  • 1204
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  • 853
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Hello friends please I need help. I cant upgrade my website to UNA the last upgrade made was UNA 13.0.0-RC3 . I have clicked the update button several days yet no update made. i suspect a bug. can anyone in the house provide assistant


  • 1362
pillarcom Discussions
new signup not receiving confirmation email
Cant login to my website
How do i create more categories for discussions module
Error on Homepage timeline
Quiz module not working as expected
I noticed i cant chat with anybody from my una