How to Feature a Group or Organization?

HI all,
It appears to be a mystery ... or am I missing something.
The ability to feature a Group or Org seems to have disappeared from the drop down menu. The ability to favorite is there, but where has Feature Group gone?

Any thoughts or guidance here would be useful.

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Replies (5)
    • Nothing has changed in the UNA system regarding this. Check that your current profile is Administration - it’s most likely a visibility issue as that menu item and associated ability is automatically hidden for all user levels other than Admin. 

      • HI Mark Purser

        I have site wide admin privileges, I have group admin privileges, but I can not feature the group.

        Please see the attached menu. Favorite is there but not feature.

        • Mark Purser , Any further thoughts on this issue.

          • PRE-Update: The feature button is available in the profiles with "Public" visibility (Allow View To field). In your site, I may this button on public profiles (I sent the examples to you via Messenger) and don't see on profiles with "Friends" visibility.

            • Thank you for the explanation. This makes perfect sense. 

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