Messenger install

Hello everyone!

I am building a UNA site.

I have been trying to get Messenger working for 2 days, but I can't quite get it. I actually had it working for a moment, a few days ago, but not since. Maybe if I share my data it would spark a solution?

I'm on a shared hosting plan with Namecheap. In cPanel, I can create, destroy, start, and stop Node Js apps, including Messenger.

I uploaded jot-server-1.0.3 and unzipped it, so that it's public_html/jot-server-1.0.3/......

The Messenger client is installed on my UNI site and open fine and tries to connect (connecting.........)

This is from cPanel:

Web applications:

Node.js version: 6.16.0

Application root: jot-server-1.0.3

Application URL:

Application startup file: app.js

Run NPM Install used to be a selectable button, but not anymore. I don't know why, not do I know what it does. 

On the UNI site, for configuration, I left everything default, except "Server URL for Messenger. I set this to all sorts of things, from just the site's URL to more direct paths. This setting is unclear.

Namecheap tried to sort it out, but they weren't sure. Any ideas, suggestions? All ideas welcome.

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