Messenger / jot-server: CORS header error
I've moved to another server and installed jot-server 2.0 on the new one. After some time (around 24 hours) it stopped working. In the console I get "Berechtigung/Credential wird nicht unterstützt, wenn die CORS-Kopfzeile 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' auf '*' gesetzt ist" (Permission/Credential is not supported when CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to '*').
I've tried to connect directly to the jot-server what is not sending any CORS header and is only working on ipv6. So I'm using apache proxy module to listen on ipv4 and ipv6 and forwarding to jot-server.
Is there any possibility to fix that?
- · Pepper
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When removing the CORS header I get: Firefox kann keine Verbindung zu dem Server unter wss:// aufbauen (Firefox can not establish a connection to server wss://
In reply to Pepper
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When configuring the Server URL in the Messenger settings, make sure it starts with
if you're using a certificate during Jot Server installation. If you're not using a certificate, then it should start withhttp://
. There's no need to usewss://
. -
- · Pepper
- ·
This I've done. The Browser still first connects to https first and then using wss.
atm the way I try to establish:
- Apache server send UNA-Page ( to client
- Javascript on client connects via IPv4 to Apache reverse proxy via using secret
- Reverse Proxy terminates the SSL-Connection and connects to jot-server (same server. So can be unencrypted) what is listening in an IPv6-Address
The Problem is CORS:
- jot-Server is not sending CORS headers, so the reverse proxy must do
- When Apache sends the CROS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin with value '* ' the browser in the JS-Console shows error that Permission/Credential is not supported
- When Apache does not send the header in the console shows that i can not connect to wss:// because of missing CORS header
I hope this explains the problem.
PS: A description of CORS is