I've moved to another server and installed jot-server 2.0 on the new one. After some time (around 24 hours) it stopped working. In the console I get "Berechtigung/Credential wird nicht unterstützt, wenn die CORS-Kopfzeile 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' auf '*' gesetzt ist" (Permission/Credential is not supported when CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to '*').
I've tried to connect directly to the jot-server what is not sending any CORS header and is only working on ipv6. So I'm using apache proxy module to listen on ipv4 and ipv6 and forwarding to jot-server.
Is there any possibility to fix that?
- 847
UNA is a Community Management System designed to let you deploy and manage social networks and communities effortlessly. Unlike traditional CMSs, UNA doesn't box you in; it's built to be highly extensible and customizable. You get the best of both worlds - a robust set of pre-built functionalities for rapid deployment and a framework-like architecture for custom development.
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Do any of you have Emotions from MSolution?
Since Messenger was introduced with the new columns, the Emotions module is no longer displayed to me in Messenger.
If anyone has already fixed the problem or knows what I could do, I would be very grateful for information.
Why can't you determine in advance who is allowed to see the file when uploading a file?
After uploading, you have to click on the file, then on edit and only here can I set who is allowed to see the file. I consider this a bug.