Messenger Module uninstalled automatically

For some reason I got a message that the messenger module was successfully uninstalled and all data deleted. We don’t perform this!

not sure if there is something UNA team programmed automatically or Simone did it’s unfortunately, we share admin access with few people in the forum and hard to till who did it.

appreciate any Input!

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Replies (6)
    • Hello @Tajrebatee !

      "not sure if there is something UNA team programmed automatically" You may be sure that there are no similar things from our team. I guess it's time to change the Studio access.

      • Well; none is doing this. No more admin assigned. And after we restored the module; here it is happening again. See message below. Same thing happened yesterday and eventually the module and all files were removed.



        • Very weird!!

          now I got a message saying module is uninstalled completely.

          anyone had seen this before?

          @Alexey @Leonid S @Al Barnes


          • Hello!

            It looks like someone initiated the uninstallation process, but there were several unsuccessful attempts to clear the tables before the final successful uninstallation.

            The /logs directory might help identify where the uninstallation problem occurred. Uninstallation can only be done manually, and we haven't encountered such issues before.

            • Thanks @Alexey . We changed access to site and same issue happened again. Can you clarify how the “logs directory “ will help identify the source of the issue? Tnx

              • Logs files is in the root for you site folder logs/

                Regarding the recurring problem: I think you may have restored data where the uninstallation process had already started but was not completed. As a result, there might be a few records in the cron database related to the uninstallation process, and when you restored the backup, they ran again.

                You might want to try restoring only the Messenger tables manually instead of restoring the entire backup.

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