Al Barnes

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If you really want to blow my mind, build an app that builds Apps. Create a what you see you get page and create from there. Drop down menus, data input box choices and buttons-links etc , NOW that would be helpful :)...... we know it can be done we have seen it in many other software, why not here ?

  • 1346
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Is there an app-module that controls backgrounds ? would be nice to have easy access to backgrounds and changing them....

  • 789
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How exactly does the module work?. how does a channel get created ? Thanks in advance

  • 713
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I would like to put a choice to directly add a discussion top right on the page so it's simplified for an older crowd. Can't seem to find Discussions-home page to add a Block

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The events module needs to have it so you can tell it to display from Monday to Friday every week

  • 636
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Change the Color of " welcome to community banner" txt

  • 574
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Trying to remove the image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1857&dpx=1&t=1711235480 Graphic......... Been looking for it and can't seem to find it.

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I accidently loaded the Russian language module, how to remove it ...

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How do you make categories in the discussion area ?

  • 1427
Al Barnes Discussions
You really want to blow my mind
how to edit discussions-home page
Organizations Mod-App
Events needs a Monday to Friday