Migrating to Wasabi s3

Greetings everyone πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

What is the proper way to migrate to wasabi? Will the files automatically transfer when I select it as a storage option? Or must all files be copied to the bucket? Then changed?

Common sense guidance appreciated. Have keys, bucket created, can access from my PC. Just don't want to mess up anything.

Any follow up steps required after switching? Thank you!

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Replies (7)
    • Also, if I have to manually copy, do I copy the storage folder as root in the bucket, or the files/folders under storage to the root of my bucket.


      bucket/storage/files here


      /bucket/files here

      • Never mind, watched the webinar. Got everything setup. Entire site broke. Lmao

        Wasabi doesn't allow accounts to use public access anymore. Accounts created after March 2023. You must have good reason, and hosting isn't a reason. Lmao.

        So.... Idk. Back to local storage it seems.

        • Just deleted my wasabi account. Might as well remove the wasabi stuff from docs and studio.

          You MUST have a CDN set up, with proof, before they will enable public access. As well as a bunch of other crap. Its all good, but definitely not a solution for average UNA users.

          • Did you find a solution for the public access? https://docs.wasabi.com/docs/public-access-enabledisable

            • They will not grant it. You must provide proof you are using a CDN to distribute your files. Only those who had preexisting accounts can use it for web serving.

              • Also, that help file is outdated. It doesn't work that way with new accounts. There is no switch.

                • ah I see thanks!

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