Moved site, now errors

I've moved my site and now have this error on some pages.


Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 486 of 486 bytes in /home/manofteal/public_html/modules/boonex/timeline/classes/BxTimelineTemplate.php on line 1497
Warning: array_merge(): Argument is not an array in /home/manofteal/public_html/modules/boonex/timeline/classes/BxTimelineTemplate.php on line 1497

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Replies (11)
      • I had also had some errors i think una team should revert version or at least publish announcement about this problems. Still Waiting for a fix

        • Yes, but if you simply moved your site, and you did not have this error on the old one, the new one should work too. Have you looked in dash -> Audit Server? Do you have everything you need?

          You have emptied all the caches?

          Did you transfer all the hidden files?
          Here are some tracks ...

            1. Audit Server? Yes
            2. Do you have everything you need? Yes
            3. You have emptied all the caches? Yes
            4. Did you transfer all the hidden files? Whole site backup from GoDaddy, so FULL site backup.
            • I reverted back to the original server and will test the other server again when I do another full backup tonight.

              • I had also had some errors i think una team should revert version or at least publish announcement about this problems. Still Waiting for a fix

                I had to have the UNA team fix my site. I'm very thankful to them for jumping on and correcting it.

                WE all still have to remember this was an RC update , I knew that when I started my manofteal site now three years ago.

                Up until that timeline issue in RC7 I've had no major issues.

                One thing that was amazing is the fact I never lost any data or had to do a restore!

                • Here is the server audit.



                  • version = - OK
                  • allow_url_fopen = On - OK
                  • allow_url_include = Off - OK
                  • magic_quotes_gpc = Off - OK
                  • memory_limit = 268435456 - OK
                  • post_max_size = 524288000 - OK
                  • upload_max_filesize = 524288000 - OK
                  • register_globals = Off - OK
                  • safe_mode = Off - OK
                  • disable_functions = pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifcontinued,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_get_handler,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,pcntl_async_signals, - OK
                  • php module: curl = curl - OK
                  • php module: gd = gd - OK
                  • php module: mbstring = mbstring - OK
                  • php module: json = json - OK
                  • php module: fileinfo = fileinfo - OK
                  • php module: zip = zip - OK
                  • php module: openssl = openssl - OK
                  • php module: exif = exif - OK


                  • version = 5.5.60 - OK

                  Web-server: Apache/2.4.7

                  • rewrite_module - UNDEFINED (try to check manually: apachectl -M 2>&1 | grep rewrite_module)


                  • Linux manofteal 4.4.0-127-generic #153~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Sat May 19 14:00:03 UTC 2018 x86_64


                  • Hardware requirements can not be determined automatically - manual server audit may be required.

                  Site setup

                  • Version: 9.0.0-RC8 Installed
                  • Files and folders permissions - please click here to find out if permissions are correct.
                  • ffmpeg -

                    ffmpeg version 3.2.2-static  Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers  built with gcc 5.4.1 (Debian 5.4.1-4)
                    Use -h to get full help or, even better, run 'man ffmpeg'

                  Mail sending - click here to send test email

                  if you don't know if output is correct then manual server audit may be required.

                  • Cron jobs -

                    *****cd /home/manofteal/public_html/periodic; /usr/bin/php -q cron.php

                    if you are unsure if output is correct then manual server audit may be required
                  • Last cron jobs execution - 25 Mar 2018 10:57:34 pm

                  Site optimization


                  • PHP accelerator = ZendOPcache - OK
                  • PHP setup = cgi-fcgi - OK


                  • key_buffer_size = 402653184 - OK
                  • query_cache_limit = 1048576 - OK
                  • query_cache_size = 33554432 - OK
                  • query_cache_type = ON - OK
                  • max_heap_table_size = 16777216 - OK
                  • tmp_table_size = 16777216 - OK
                  • thread_cache_size = 8 - OK


                  • User-side caching for static content - click here to check it in Google Page Speed
                    If it is not enabled then please consider implement this optimization, since it improve perceived site speed and save the bandwidth, refer to this tutorial on how to do this.
                    To apply this optimization you need to have expires_module - Array
                  • Server-side content compression - can be checked manually or in "Page Speed" tool build-in into browser.
                    If it is not enabled then please consider implement this optimization, since it improve perceived site speed and save the bandwidth, refer to this tutorial on how to do this.
                    To apply this optimization you need to have deflate_module - Array


                  • DB cache = On (File based cache engine) - OK
                  • Pages cache = On (File based cache engine) - OK
                  • Page blocks cache = On (File based cache engine) - OK
                  • Templates Cache = On (FileHtml based cache engine) - OK
                  • CSS files cache = On - OK
                  • JS files cache = On - OK
                  • Compression for CSS/JS cache = On - OK
                  • I know its RC but i am building a skeleton for my future site and when it breaks down i have to rebuild it and this not fun

                    • Can you look in php.ini if magic_quotes_gpc is present and if it is on or off?

                      • Can you look in php.ini if magic_quotes_gpc is present and if it is on or off?

                        I did, it was not there so I added it. 

                        I won't be able to test that until later when the site is not active.

                        • Baloo that was the problem! Thank you!  As I tested the site via mobile device I'm still seeing that error. I don't see it on three different browsers but do on my mobile. 

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