Newly uploaded videos all have duration 0 - stopped working

Worked fine for a few years, and then boom, all the uploaded videos from the past 2 weeks stopped calculating the duration - making the list of recent videos load incredibly slow.

The "duration" column has 0's all over for those recent videos in the "bx_videos_entries" table.

Nothing changed as far as server configuration is concerned.

S3 storage, in case it matters.

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Replies (4)
    • Hello @titanium !

      Could you plz specify - do those videos keep 0 in the duration even after playing? And I guess yes, S3 matters...

      • Hi @LeonidS Yes, they keep 0 although they have thousands of views. We haven't changed our S3 integration at all, nothing has been touched code-wise on the website, so it just started happening out of the blue - for all new videos made over the past 2 weeks.

        • it was related to ffmpeg error of resolving the s3 domain "Segmentation fault (core dumped)".

          Fixed by assigning/updating s3 ip in /inc/classes/BxDolTranscoderVideo.php

          • @titanium you are correct, as I remember, it was an issue when some ffmpeg build can't properly resolve domain to the IP

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