not working properly

all of a sudden certain things arent working like clicking certain buttons , in the back end trying to download a module wont do anything but then like click on other hings it works ??

  • 2007
  • More
Replies (4)
    • Sometimes CTRL-F5 helps. I disabled all cache while building the site.
      Now downloading the modules is a different matter. I assume you did the key/secret thing.
      Two of my sites can't download either from the marketplace, so i downloaded the free modules manually and FTP'ed them instead.

      • CryptoProphet, we can definitely say that the site only works correctly in Safari, Firefox and Chrome. Browser from Microsoft, Internet Explorer, works with errors.

        • im using chrome i cleared the browser cache and they seem to be working no so thanks guys and merry christmas to you all just had xmas lunch and im like a butchers pup, full belly now nees to find a corner and go into a food coma !!😁 

          • it's X-mas??? My ancestors were Celts and did not celebrate X-mas. I have spent the day getting my killer parrot to accept the little new Capuchin baby. My parrot has a good relation with the others, but he needs to be introduced, otherwise he will bite them. It's like he is the authority of this mixed flock of species. If two of the other start disagreeing, he flies down to set things right. He hates conflicts.
            I cannot control their ranking system. I know I have a place there, but I don't know exactly what it is.
            A friend once came to visit. My parrot didn't like him. Somehow the others knew that and started bullying my friend to a degree, where my friend had to leave. He never came to visit again. To me I stand with one question. How do they communicate?

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