Please add more categories

Hello UNA team, would you guys please add more categories. Thanks! :)

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Replies (10)
    • Could you please be more specific ? what categories to add and where exactly ?

      • Alex T, please allow me to search

        • When creating an Organization....




          Children Fashion



          • What do you mean, add the categories here on or add them in UNA?

            • UNA

              • Why do not you add them to your site to suit your users? I think it will be difficult to include all possible categories and imaginable, the list would be long and you would not have finished in 5 years ...

                • Lol.....I tried to add them to my site, but I believe UNA has not provided a way for us too. Unless you know how to?

                  • Okay Will, that's what I thought. Yes you can add 5.800.000 categories if you want :-)
                    Studio => Forms => DataLists => Organization categories.
                    Originally you have 36 I think, click on x items and then on "Add New Item".
                    You can lengthen the list and rearrange the order of the data as you want.

                    • Baloo, you rock the house my brother, it's a bit late for me now, cause I have to wake up early. If I can't sleep, I will attack it, thanks brother!

                      • We have posted a tutorial with a video for this very question. Check it out here -

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