Remove "Friends" Module
Hi everyboy.
Is there the possibility to remove completely friend system? In order to manage all connection with "follow" ?
Thank you for replies!
- · extraprod
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Thank you very much LeonidS!
Actually i did it those points, but my concern was that something would remain active somewhere,so thank you support, now everything is clear! I'd like to ask you if you can give me support (or some advices) in this following my discussion! Thank you, again -
- · extraprod
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There is a little doubt, if i disable "connect" from permission level, they won't follow. Can i disable just befriend connection?
- · joonaskoo
In reply to LeonidS
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Can you confirm that if I disable the action "Connect (befriend, follow, etc)" but keep follow buttons enabled, users are still able follow each other and for example ”x user you’re following posted something” notification would still work?
Hello @joonaskoo !
No, the removed Connect actions disables the following actions too. So you need to disable the friends part via the Navigation menus.
- · joonaskoo
In reply to LeonidS
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Aa okay! Does some of the navigation menus disable ”Friends” option from Create post block?