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Hi everybody,
when i try to Set Membership to users it show an empty square. I'm not sure if i had disabled something. How can i fix it?
I have more question, i added an user as Operator with "Accounts" Plug in. What is the differences from operator and administrator? He as operator can do anything but maybe not all: for example he can't Set a Badge. Why?
Thank you for replies! :) 

  • 1291
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I can't edit "view timeline" page, so i can't add "Create a post module" in timeline views.
I' d like to have this
image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=3547&dpx=1&t=1588984517above all timelines in website instead that this:
Is this possible?

  • 1334
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Hi, I have some questions:
1) When i upload a cover for a spaces (but also for orgs and user too) on mobile phone it will be zoomed in. How can I auto adapt size of cover for mobile phone?
2) Can be a module in homepage blocked when i scroll the timeline? I'd like (in a 2 column layout) scroll on the right (timeline, feed, posts or) while on the right user will see always same block. (as happen on facebook for example)
3) I can't add reaction. I was in Forms->Data Lists->Reactions but "add items" button is blocked, and if I edit a reaction, i was't able to change image (just text)
4) I removed everywhere all button related to "friendship". Users are able just to "follow", so there isn't "Friend concept" on community, but if I enable "privacy visibility" for posts,orgs etc they can select "friend". How can i remove anything from privacy visibility (keep just "only me", "public" "followers")?
5) At the moment users can chose a Full name during the registration. Is there a plugin/option to ask for a Full name (it will be the Displayed Name, and could be same for more user) and "Nickname" (unique value) that will be below the displayed name on profile? (as twitter, to be clear)
6) Is there possibility to log in with nickname? (if there is possibility to do it in previous question)
7) How can i change circle color (and on-hover) of timeline items (like, comment etc)?
I'm sorry for too much questions all togheter, and thank you very much for replies!

  • 1406
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Hi everyboy.
Is there the possibility to remove completely friend system? In order to manage all connection with "follow" ?
Thank you for replies!

  • 1371
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I have this text on all pages (organization, spaces, etc).
Can someone help me? Thank you! 

  • 1294
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Hi everybody, I started to study this Platform 1 month ago more or less, and yesterday i decided to buy powerups package + a space in TMD Hosting to make my first online website with UNA. Are several hours that i'm trying to do something, but actually im not sure if I can do it. I have some questions for you, and I hope someone can help me to understand if I can do it those things or not. Thank you very much.
1) Can i move "number of followers" and "number of following" more visibily at the profile pagine close to avatar (like instagram, to be clear)
2) Is it possible to add a double textbox (email and password) with login button (as facebook, to be clear) in the landing page?
3) Can I automatically set all categories of Post, Discussion, Polls etc with same of name of spaces/groups?
4) Is the a post/manual to understand how can i set the module "messanger"? I installed it, but when i open messanger page, all page is white and nothing appear.
5) Can i insert a searchbox in the toolbar? (like facebook, to be clear)

Actually, i have a lot of more question, but i don't want take advantage of your help too much! Really, really thanks for the eventual replies.

  • 1124
extraprod Discussions
Set membership not show ranks
Make "Post to feed" like "Create a post"
Some questions (Cover, Menu, Reactions, Friends, Login)
Remove "Friends" Module
Wrong title on pages
My first UNA community!