setup like twitter/acebook

Hi there am new to UNA platform and was wondeing if there was guides for setting up the site like facebook or twitter, like i said new and like the idea and want to see and learn 

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Replies (14)
    • We are setting up in a similar fashion and plan to publish it as part of the start guide soon. 

      • Thanks mate ill keep an eye out on it , this is a learning curve for me so appreciate it 

        • Still trying to work out how to turn things off and on lol

          • I'm trying to do it using Protean. Protean is brilliant. it can be tweaked into doing whatever you want.
            I'm far from finished, but this is the idea. I still don't understand the purpose of many templates, when protean can do everything(almost).

            • using Lucid but slowly getting there im in cryptos big time so will be losely based around that and will look at pluggins with cryptos involved and so on 

              • Looks good. I have no idea what Cryptos is. Sound like something a Borg would threaten me with. "Crypto or die!!!"

                • Cryptos = Bitcoin  = cryptocurrencies

                  • Oh right - I heard about it, but never got in to it. And for sure it has not really touched Cambodia. Vietnam maybe, but not here.

                    • Yeah looking at like a social network to bridge between the crypto community and the general public, there are dedicated sites to crypto but unless you understand or have been involved in it , it can be very confusing , a lot of tech mumbo jumbo, so like a place were people can read and learn to a point, it will also be a general social network but edging more towards cryptos , when i can ill look at getting modules created towards cryptos, have many ideas , know a little coding along the crypto lines so will see how it all pans out 

                      • That sounds interesting and exactly what people need. Too much technicality scares people away. i learned that early in my psychology career. Don't use fancy words.

                        • I agree been involved since early 2010 so been around the block a few times and seen it all, and it is actually simple, if you peel all the tech away from it and very useful in so many areas, besides the finacial side , the actual use for every day is extremely great to the average person

                          • Sounds like I need to keep an eye on the development of this.

                            • any questions fire away im always more than happy to help , been doing it for years now, hence setting up a network were myself and anyone else wants to do similiar can do it mate ..

                              • I will remember that.  Maybe even you helping to introduce it with a practical application to Cambodia. The Chinese are coming here with a ton of money(which Thailand is now pissed off about). Cambodia is small isolated population. Perfect to introduce new baby-systems. if I can talk the govt into using Crypto, I think we are looking at an interesting future. Let's put it on the shelf for future projects. :-) 

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