Some SEO suggestions

1. Transliterate the URL in Cyrillic into Latin. It’s not very nice when the URL consists of Cyrillic and Latin.

2. Reduce meta tags to 275 (approximately) characters.

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Replies (6)
    • Yes, such links look terrible and besides, they do not fit in some blocks. The short link turns into this:


      • Is this idea supported by anyone else besides Ivan and I?

        • @Ivan Mishchenko could you please provide the original link which isn't looking/working correctly ?

          • Hello! This is what links that have Cyrillic characters in the URL look like. For example: unacms. com/d/новое-сообщение - This link in some cases will look like this: unacms.%20com/d/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BE %D0%B1%D1%89%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5

            • To avoid this, you can add a transliteration function. Something like this:

              function transliterate(url) {

                const cyrillicMap = {

                 'А': 'A', 'а': 'a', 'Б': 'B', 'б': 'b', 'В': 'V', 'в': 'v', 'Г': 'G', 'г': 'g',

                 'Д': 'D', 'д': 'd', 'Е': 'E', 'е': 'e', 'Ё': 'Yo', 'ё': 'yo', 'Ж': 'Zh', 'ж': 'zh',

                 'З': 'Z', 'з': 'z', 'И': 'I', 'и': 'i', 'Й': 'Y', 'й': 'y', 'К': 'K', 'к': 'k',

                 'Л': 'L', 'л': 'l', 'М': 'M', 'м': 'm', 'Н': 'N', 'н': 'n', 'О': 'O', 'о': 'o',

                 'П': 'P', 'п': 'p', 'Р': 'R', 'р': 'r', 'С': 'S', 'с': 's', 'Т': 'T', 'т': 't',

                 'У': 'U', 'у': 'u', 'Ф': 'F', 'ф': 'f', 'Х': 'Kh', 'х': 'kh', 'Ц': 'Ts', 'ц': 'ts',

                 'Ч': 'Ch', 'ч': 'ch', 'Ш': 'Sh', 'ш': 'sh', 'Щ': 'Shch', 'щ': 'shch', 'Ъ': '',

                 'ъ': '', 'Ы': 'Y', 'ы': 'y', 'Ь': '', 'ь': '', 'Э': 'E', 'э': 'e', 'Ю': 'Yu',

                 'ю': 'yu', 'Я': 'Ya', 'я': 'ya'


                let transliterated = url.split('').map(char => cyrillicMap[char] || char).join('');

                transliterated = transliterated.replace(/[^-0-9a-z]/gi, '-').toLowerCase();

                return transliterated;


              • Will this ever be realized? If yes, then I would like to know, because if you enable SEO links now, there will be problems in the future, since all Cyrillic URLs will change.

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