Spaces Enhancement Request

I don't know if there is a built-in method for doing what I am about to ask, but if there is, I have not found it.  Each 'View Space' page will display a 'Child Spaces' block  if the Space does indeed have child Spaces. The 'Child Spaces' block in my opinion, is too simplistic,  I believe that in most applications, 'Child Spaces' will have enough importance to warrant displaying them on their own page, instead of just listing them in a small block on the View Space page.  Child spaces should be displayed on this page just as New or Top Spaces are displayed on the main Spaces pages.  The cards on the Child Spaces page should have the usual cover photo and Meta info, plus additional info as made possible by AQBsoft's excellent 'Advanced Menu' module.

I don't have enough experience with Una to be sure, but it seems to me that this could be done with the addition of a single PHP block that could be used on a page added to each space's nav menu.

Alex T⚜️  AQB Soft

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