Spaces isn't very clear

Subscribed to spaces on my site, but can't see how to use it with groups. Hopefully, I didn't misunderstand the brief description of what it does. Understood it to be a way to organize groups. 


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Replies (6)
    • Hi Garrett Ewald - Spaces are intended to be used instead of groups - see this thread here for full explanation:

      • Before I create a bunch of spaces I tried two. One that I intended to be the parent and one child. In the spaces page I still see both. Hesitant to create too many more incorrectly. When I set the parent for the child it offered me the name of the parent space. Am I doing something wrong or expecting something wrong?

        • Yes, both points are correct.

          • So should I use spaces and hope it evolves or commit to groups? If spaces will eventually work as expected I guess I should that instead, but at what cost beyond $50/year?

            • I saw in that spaces do have the strange behavior of showing the parent and the child organizations at the same time. I would have thought the parent would be the only one to show at the top level, and then children spaces be accesible when you click on the parent? Maybe add a check box to the children pages to provide this option? I don't really see the utility of this as it is. How is it not just groups that I'm paying for? 

              • Is there a limit to how many levels of parents you can have in Spaces? Would be cool if in the settings you could specify which level to roll the spaces up to so not all of them appear when you visit the page. Perhaps assuming you didn't create them. 

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