Specify Album in Event

There should be a field in "Add Event" for referring to a specific album for itself. today i can add album in template, for instance "Featured Album" and it will show the same content on all events. I suggest to add a block of album (lets call it "Ref Album") so i can link to it from "Add Event". So when i am creating new event i will select specific album for this event, like "photos from latest dance" for promotion. As a result different events with different albums.

  1. Need to create new field in "Add Event" called RefAlbumSelect and populate it with all albums (or just admin's). Also it should be grayed (or displayed) out unless there is a RefAlbumBlock in the page.
  2. Need to add new block to Album module blocks list called RefAlbumBlock, this album should be displayed and filled with photos only if there is user selection from RefAlbumSelect in "Add Event"

This should work for event but it will be actually good for other modules like groups and so.





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