The Ability To Let Users Fully Customize There Profile

I think it be fitting to add features for webmasters/admins to activate or deactivate the ability for users to fully customize there profile rearrange profile blocks add backgrounds to body of there profile or to profile blocks and add other lines of code with having html/raw code blocks for users to use it would also help organizations to fully make there page theirs and better market there business i also think the ability for users to add codes like falling snow or such would be great like they do on myspace if a user has a hard time adding anything it would be great to get remote access to help them with adding what they need

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Replies (4)
    • I could see rearranging blocks, changing background images etc, but I would be leary about letting users add their only lines of code to their profile as it could allow a user to insert code that could be malicious.  So though I do like the Idea of full customization, I would not want users to inject their own code.

      • I hear you I'm all for your suggestion as it's the same as mine minus the user code blocks

        • Dolphin had such a feature for the members profile page.  You couldn't move the blocks around on the page but there was a module in the market for doing this that also let one add blocks to the page.

          • yea i remember using such a feature when testing dolphin back in 2016 but my network was never done i put it on hiatus then came out

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