Translating UNA

I am translating UNA, and doing so I realized that there are so many keys with the same translation assigned to them. Can the developers use the same keys for the words that are the same, please?

For example 

_bx_persons_page_block_title_system_profile_related_me = Relationships with Me
_bx_persons_page_block_title_profile_related_me = Relationships with Me

There are hundreds like these ones. I understand that it may be the fact that different developers work on different modules and assign their won keys, but this is a very bad practice for a multilingual platform as beautiful as UNA is, and make the translation a pain in the behind. Also, different keys for the same word/sentences can be found inside the same module. I don't understand why!

Another subjection would be to assign something like _bx_st_ at the beginning of the keys that belong in the Studio, many of us don't really need Studio to be translated. Knowing which keys belong in there would save a tremendous amount of time.

Thank you very much for reading. I appreciate your hard work and love UNA.

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Replies (5)
    • Actually we can’t. These are phrases that may be used in different contexts - they may have same translation in English, but in another language the phrasing may have to be different. For example in Russian nouns have six cases which change the noun based on context. Other languages may have other nuances. 

      • @Andrew I understand what you mean which the different translations. But, there are some extreme cases. For example, the word Friends, how many variants can there really be? This word have some 100 (I may be exaggerating, but, its a lot) or so different keys. Same as; Personas, add friend, fallow, fallowing, these are just some of the so many words with many different keys.

        • Yeah, it’s that bad. In English you have “friend” and “friends” for the noun and that modifiers are other words of the sentence, so you could use one key for friend and one key for friends. In Russian “friend” could be друг (friend), друга (of a friend), другу (to a friend), друга (action towards a friend), другом (with a friend), о друге (about a friend). All cases modify multiple nouns differently than singular nouns (6 variations of “friends”). Also all cases will modify singular noun of female-gender equivalent differently (there’s a different word for woman-friend). Also some phrases that can use word “friend“ in English require a completely different word in Russian For natural language flow - for example “add friend” could be directly translated “добавить друга”, but it doesn’t sound right this way (it’s like “add friend to something”) so we have to use equivalent of “establish friendship” or “become friends”.

          This is just an example of two languages from same group (Indo-European) and how different they can be. If you consider Chinese, Tamil, Turkish, etc it becomes clear that it is impossible to reuse keys as shared classes in different places. 

          • Damn lol. well ok. Thanks for taking the time, y'all awesome! 

            • Eventually i'll be done lol

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