Unconfirmed members @ Account Module

I find it very good that members can not do anything until they confirm their address, but how can I see members who have not done so if I'm in automatic activation? Could not we add "Unconfirmed" in Status?

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Replies (5)
    • Go to Studio--->Accounts (if you didn't download it, do so from Apps Market) Once you download and install Accounts, you will see on the screen a column titled Confirmed. Under that column if the person confirmed it will state 'Email', if they did not confirm yet, it will state 'No'

      • Yes, ok, but sorry, I have no way of sorting. I must be able to sort, then check everything and send a new request for confirmation.
        Also @ I should be able to sort on member level. Could you add "unconfirmed in sorting" statuses and right, where can I sort "Operator" also add member level?

        • If I am not mistaken, all confirmed users go to the top of the list. Also, there is a gear icon next to each user in the list. You can click that and 3 options come up, edit email (in case they input it misspelled), resend confirmation, and reset password. In regards to sorting, there are two drop down boxes, one is Sort by All Statuses, Active, Pending, Suspended or the next box drops down to select All or Operators.

          I was trying to post a screenshot but for some reason, it won't let me. I sent you a message with the screenshot

          • Hi Jeremy, you are wrong, they are sorted by date of last connection. I must have the opportunity to take out the unconfirmed ones only. The reason is simple, if I am absent a few days, with 30/40 registrations a day, currently I have to deal line by line which can be avoided simply by dealing with a lot.
            I'm also thinking of one thing, Please, add a record counter based on sorting, I need to know how many "Premium" members I have.
            I should also be able to change the level on the fly from "Account".

            • Well maybe they will take it into consideration and add another filter to the drop down box for unconfirmed as well as sorting

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