What Happened ????????


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Replies (23)
    • Anton L  ? This has happened twice in the last twenty minutes.  This is going to scare people away.. 

      • Is that continual or is is a speratic event? 😲 

        • Oh snap, no bueno!

          • tell me what you know.  I want to fix this before the sun goes down.

            • twice in the last hour and i do not like having multiple sql tables dumped into the site header..  i need to know why, and now.

              • tell me what you know.  I want to fix this before the sun goes down.

                I don't know, i don't think i have ever seen that, being serious. Umm Baloo or Chris can probably help you.

                • I had similar issues before, they happened usulaly when I mixed something, did you make any changes?

                  • i rolled a custom in the developer tab yesterday but did not apply it as a block,  i am about to look for it in mysql and delete the table referring to it, clear the cache, and local browser cache and log back in..

                    • always have a mysqldump before doing anything also system snapshots have been lifesaver for me.

                      • this is solid advice.  i just find the offender in sys_objects_block and remove it, clear cache, and log out and log back in.  looks good so far.  my site is backed up using rsync, but i should get in the habit and write a cron script to dump mysql once a week 

                        • Omar I am getting mysqldumps every hour cause in the meanwhile there may be new users etc. At first I was also having them weekly but now it needs every hour.
                          And manually also before doing anything new in the UNA system.
                          Once a week a snapshot.

                          • Cem -   wow, okay- perhaps i can do the same, it would make sense.    responsibility for the site users..   you are right i dont like waking up to 20+ people asking why they cant log in, etc..  can you provide your script syntax from your crontab so I can adopt it without having to think too much please?  that would be most useful.      Thank you :)

                            • Of course I will send you through PM if it accepts code, here we can not write code as I see now.

                              • Here is the script I use, in my case 6 times a day via cron. It automatically removes older than 7 days. The directory is included in the directory and I save everything via rsync 6 times a day as well.
                                Do not put quotes for "NameDB" - "user" - "password"

                                ## we place ourselves in the directory where we want to save the databases
                                cd /var/www/exemple/backup/bd/
                                for i in "NameDB"; do
                                ## Backup of databases in .sql files (with date as name)
                                mysqldump -u "user" -p"password" $i > ${i}_`date +"%d%m%Y"`_`date +"%H"`h`date +"%M"`m.sql
                                ## Compression of exports in tar.bz2 (the best compression rate)
                                tar jcf ${i}_`date +"%d%m%Y"`_`date +"%H"`h`date +"%M"`m.sql.tar.bz2 ${i}_`date +"%d%m%Y"`_`date +"%H"`h`date +"%M"`m.sql
                                ## Elimination of uncompressed exports
                                rm ${i}_`date +"%d%m%Y"`_`date +"%H"`h`date +"%M"`m.sql
                                ## Deletes backups older than 7 days
                                find /var/www/exemple/backup/bd/ -type f -mtime +7 -delete
                                ## Sent an email confirmation
                                echo "Sauvegarde BDD vers var/www/exemple/backup/bd et nettoyage effectue avec succes !" | mail -s "Save BDD Meetsee" -a "From: sender@yoursite.com" recipient@yoursite.com
                                • <3  thank you Baloo this is excellent.  :D  merci ! tres bien.

                                  • it has not done this since i repaired my tables, and removed the rogue "custom" entry created the other day while trying to coax "posts in context" to show up as a group block.    i later learned that after you have adjusted settings, all older posts will not show up in the group timeline, only newer ones.  i had not installed timeline because i didnt want to confuse most users between "posts and update" because most people do not understand the difference.
                                    in addition, what would be fantastic is if when a user posted a link inside a post or an update, as with the "add" link button that triggers the iFramely script, to be triggered when a link is pasted in plain text as well, and turns blue inside the tinyMCE.
                                    this is a design issue, which becomes a usability issue.   because people paste youtube links and dont understand why they are not making an embedded iFrame.   ("but its not pretty like your links are!"), id rather an extra layer that scans tinyMCE entry for links and triggers the iFrame generation ON SUBMIT, but not "live". if that makes sense..

                                    • image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=3470&dpx=2&t=1587897536

                                      also, this is most interesting, and seems to have been fixed by toggling every option off and on again inside the notifications module.  

                                      has anyone else seen this happen and knows what the source of it is?

                                      i am happily steering clear of the developers module, because i'd rather have my site run smoothly :)

                                      • one more thing, the other day I accidentally thought i was "exporting" a page block so it would show up in the editor, and hope this command did not do any damage.  i've done this with two entries, and could not understand what this function is designed to do...  

                                        do i need to repair something now because of this action ?


                                        • Hello Omar Amer !

                                          With this tool, you may export the settings of the current block to another UNA database or keep those settings as backup.

                                          • Baloo I tried to use this but it doesn't work. It says yoursite.com cannot be found. 

                                            Just kidding. Good stuff as always monsieur 😁 

                                            • hahaha :)

                                              [Jeremy:] cd /home/jeremy/whatsyoursitecalled?.com

                                              [Jeremy:] tar -cvf /home/foobar/yoursite.com

                                              [Jeremy:] Error, "/home/foobar/yoursite.com path or directory not found."

                                              • OHHHHH. okay, that makes sense now. thank you. within sql, where does it put them? a new table with a name of the block you exported with that tool? what is the naming convention?

                                                • Those SQL commands should be run in the current UNA database. No need to create the new table, but before export, you'd better backup the UNA database.

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