What's New With UNA

Been busy. Checking in to see what's new here, what's up with UNA. I was on Facebook today saw an ad about this supposed new Trump social media site people have been posting about which is suppose to be online now for over a year? I mentioned it does not take forever to get a social media site up online, a few minutes uploading and setting up the database and then you can log into the Admin control panel. And within an hour have some of the customizing done. So I was wondering why Trump does not have a site set up now as claimed and mentioned that it does not take over a year. Someone told me I was nuts. I did not know what I was talking about. Anyways if he is suppose to set up something he is not working with the right people. If he is setting up something I suppose he got a team that said they would start from scratch to build a script. Anyways this makes no sense to me.

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