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image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=2356&dpx=1&t=1732031822Hello house, I noticed i cant upload images on my website.

each time I tried to upload images, it's either it becomes a broken link or it disappeared.

attached is the sample of what I'm experiencing.

please can any one help please.

  • 2734
      • UPDATE: the reason was in the missing fileinfo extension which generate the error after successful upload:

        Fatal error: Uncaught Intervention\Image\Exception\MissingDependencyException: PHP Fileinfo extension must be installed/enabled to use Intervention Image. in [path to UNA]plugins/intervention/image/src/Intervention/Image/ImageManager.php:137 Stack trace: #0 [path to UNA]plugins/intervention/image/src/Intervention/Image/ImageManager.php(27): Intervention\Image\ImageManager->checkRequirements() #1 [path to UNA]inc/classes/BxDolImageResize.php(34): Intervention\Image\ImageManager->__construct(Array) #2 [path to UNA]inc/classes/BxDolImageResize.php(52): BxDolImageResize->__construct() #3 [path to UNA]inc/classes/BxDolTranscoder.php(711): BxDolImageResize::getInstance() #4 [path to UNA]inc/classes/BxDolTranscoder.php(459): BxDolTranscoder->applyFilter_Resize('/home/pillarco/...', Array) #5 [path to UNA]inc/classes/BxDolTranscoderImage.php(184): BxDolTranscoder->transcode('91', 0) #6 [path to UNA]image_transcoder.php(30): BxDolTranscoderImage->transcode('91') #7 {main} thrown in [path to UNA]plugins/intervention/image/src/Intervention/Image/ImageManager.php on line 137

        • @LeonidS I noticed I cant reach you via chat any more. Please confirm in the fileinfo is now instlled

          • Yes, it is installed and the upload looks better, but there is a missing exif module now and the upload can't be completed anyway:

            • UPDATE: after fixing the exif part the images are uploaded fine now.

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