Added a discussion

Tried and failed.

on_copyright_click(window, {fog:{color:'#000',opacity:0.7}})

What's the correct code?

  • 2591
    • Hello Kit Cloudkicker !

      The on_copyright_click function doesn't have the list of parameters. So you need to call the following code:


              message: your message,

              onClickOk: your function on click Ok button,

             onHide: your function for the Hide fog param


      There are no fog options in the given params. You need to change the style of id="bx-popup-fog" element.

      • Example to change default fog white to custom fog black...

        bx_menu_popup('sys_switch_language_popup', window, {fog:{color:'#000',opacity:0.7}});

        bx_menu_popup('sys_switch_template', window, {fog:{color:'#000',opacity:0.7}});

        Those popups have same effect. Please, make it so in Copyright.

        Have tried in Custom Styles...

        .bx-popup.fog {
        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7);

        Still doesn't work.

        • For copyright, you can use the following code:

                  message: _t('_copyright', (new Date()).getFullYear()),
                  fog: {color:'#000', opacity:0.7}

          Instead of on_copyright_click function.

          But it looks like we need to change fog by default for build-in dark mix:

          • Thank you!

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