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Hello, i have installed RC7 or una but now the site is not accesible. If go on my site fanzone.it there is the error: Database query error . How resolve? Thanks

  • 2868
    • I too just did my upgrade and lost the site.

      Studio is there but not site.

      • Yes studio work but the site not work, how resolve,?


        • Please help me, the site is not usable!!!!!

          • Mine is all screwed up! Some can login but then the site database goes down at random. 

            I will be looking at the errors and waiting, maybe it is a large update. 

            • But what are your site?

              • You will have to "turn off" your timeline module. Looking at the database error emails point to that module, and looks like the team is working on it.


                • Hi but now i can not access to studio, now i see this. How resolve? You can explain how resolve, i do not undertand. thanks

                  • I have the same issue Michael Newton suggestion is working. hope it will be fixed soon


                    • It's because of missing update for Timeline, we'll add it as soon as possible.

                      For a while you can deactivate Timeline module, or if it's very critical then please provide me full access to your site via private message so I'll apply Timeline update  to your site manually.

                      Sorry for inconvenience.

                      • Thanks Alex for working so hard for us!

                        • Hi i send You full access 

                          • After updating timeline when i am enabling it back on studio . it says:

                            There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
                            Error: Duplicate entry 'bx_timeline_enable_edit' for key 'name'
                            Does anybody else got this too?
                            • I have the same problem. How resolve?

                              • I dont its in una team hand now i guess... 

                                • Comment by unknown is hidden.
                                  • Clarification about this matter gets confused because folks basically change the subject line within a particular thread. For example the thread here is called DATABASE QUERY ERROR.   :)

                                    However in the above, Alex offered emergency service to manually update your Timeline. 

                                    4 days ago VeganWolf wrote, which would leave me to believe this Timeline issue was now resolved: 

                                    If we see RC6 installed and RC8 update available. It doesn't mean we're skipping... even though it looks that way.
                                    In reality... if you click, it will apply RC7 first
                                    Refresh, you'll see RC7 installed
                                    Perform modules updates ( ignore Timeline )
                                    Then click once more to RC8, it will apply RC8
                                    >>>  And lastly, don't forget to perform Timeline module update.

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