Added a discussion

Is it possible to set a default cover page image and icon that is unique to a category (but can be overridden)? Especially on events, the creator may not always have an image available, but the event category could easily have a default image set for it so the item doesn't look so generic in the lists. Groups, channels, and organizations could have one too, but those are longer lasting items and a creator would have time to arrange or create an image to post. 

Also, what is the ideal ratio for a cover image? Is it possible to have the area rotate through some images or even have a video associated with it like the default splash page? If I build a composite image for the space, what is the safe zone like so any images aren't cropped badly? It looks like the image changes it's ratio depending on the window size/screen size so this may not be practical to consider. Abstracts and patterns might be safest. 

  • 1668
    • And is there a way to select the color for the icon if I just leave it as a letter? Seems like it randomly assigns a color right now. 

      • There is no separate page for browsing content in category, it just shows search result page. However for the tags it's possible, you can install Channels module, then every hashtag will have separate channel, and you as admin can change cover in the channel. Additionally you can use hashtags as labels (like in this forum). 

        Colour of user icon is generated automatically, if you need the same colour for all users you can override via CSS.

        • Can the category automatically have a channel? Or if I make channels for each category will that link them automatically? Don't want to expect the content creators to remember to have to set too many things when they create events. 

          For some of the paid apps it would be cool if they were free for say less than 5-10 member sites so we can try them out. I'm hesitant to drop $100-200 on apps that might not really work as I need them too. 

          • Regarding categories - it will not work this way, however if you remove category fields and leave label field only, then I think you will achieve what you want.

            Regarding market - I think you can ask for the demo, at some point vendors will provide demos, I think, since it will generate them more sales.

            • There are a few UNA apps I'd be interested in testing. Photos, Spaces, Polls, Analytics, Lucid, Files. 

              I'm also potentially going to develop some apps for my project which could scale to multiple sites. Is AQB the only other developer? If we wanted to keep these exclusive to us does that contradict the spirit of the UNA project? 

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