Can anyone tell me how to enable this?
In Navigation, videos, view actions, I have the like disabled, and vote up vote down enabled. Yet it doesn't show.
I tried with other modules too.
How to enable it? Thank you
@LeonidS do you know how to enable the vote up / vote down for videos?
I tried in Photos, Albums, Posts, Files, and Videos - Vote up/down doesn't engage for any of them. Seems like code is missing. 😳
Hello @Wise !
You need to add a record about it to the `sys_objects_score` table like we have for Persons:
INSERT INTO `sys_objects_score` (`name`, `module`, `table_main`, `table_track`, `post_timeout`, `is_on`, `trigger_table`, `trigger_field_id`, `trigger_field_author`, `trigger_field_score`, `trigger_field_cup`, `trigger_field_cdown`, `class_name`, `class_file`) VALUES
('bx_persons', 'bx_persons', 'bx_persons_scores', 'bx_persons_scores_track', '604800', '0', 'bx_persons_data', 'id', 'author', 'score', 'sc_up', 'sc_down', '', '');
The common way looks like we have for the voting described here:
@LeonidS Thank you! That got me up and running. I had an entry there already, just had to turn it on 🤓
@LeonidS do you know how to enable the vote up / vote down for videos?
I tried in Photos, Albums, Posts, Files, and Videos - Vote up/down doesn't engage for any of them. Seems like code is missing. 😳
Hello @Wise !
You need to add a record about it to the `sys_objects_score` table like we have for Persons:
INSERT INTO `sys_objects_score` (`name`, `module`, `table_main`, `table_track`, `post_timeout`, `is_on`, `trigger_table`, `trigger_field_id`, `trigger_field_author`, `trigger_field_score`, `trigger_field_cup`, `trigger_field_cdown`, `class_name`, `class_file`) VALUES
('bx_persons', 'bx_persons', 'bx_persons_scores', 'bx_persons_scores_track', '604800', '0', 'bx_persons_data', 'id', 'author', 'score', 'sc_up', 'sc_down', '', '');
The common way looks like we have for the voting described here:
@LeonidS Thank you! That got me up and running. I had an entry there already, just had to turn it on 🤓