Added a discussion

When we started creating the site we disabled the Follow and Unfollow buttons for organizations...
Now we changed our mind and we want them back, so I went in Navigations>Items>Organizations>View Actions and I enabled them back
But when I go to the organization page on the site I can't see those buttons...

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

  • 1115
    • Hey, you can't see the Feature item because you should scroll down the page, I've just disabled it because we don't need it...
      Do you know why the follow/unfollow button appears only if I've joined the organization and not for everyone?

      • Hello Leonardo Zen !

        Deleted my answer about Feature, just switched from Follow to Featured :-) About Organisations - as this app is the "split" of Profiles and Groups so Follow button there available only for participants like in the Groups.

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