Leonardo Zen

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Hi, I'd like to remove some options from the "Who Can Post" selection field in the "Create Group" form, but I can't find it in the form module nor in other modules... where should I check?

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Today I tried to add Push Notifications to my website using OneSignal...

I copied the given HTML in the head injections tab and added the OneSignal App ID and Rest API Key in the Settings>System>Push Notifications.

Now when I send a new push from OneSignal dashboard it works but una notification doesn't show...

What am I doing wrong?

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When we started creating the site we disabled the Follow and Unfollow buttons for organizations...
Now we changed our mind and we want them back, so I went in Navigations>Items>Organizations>View Actions and I enabled them back
But when I go to the organization page on the site I can't see those buttons...

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Hi! I'm new to UNA and I would like to set a max number of groups that a user can join... Is it possible? How can I do that?

  • 1088
Leonardo Zen Discussions
Edit "Who Can Post" selection field
Push Notifications Not Working
Follow and Unfollow buttons don't show
Limit Joinable Groups for users