Added a discussion

Hi All,

I hope you are doing well. Could you please help me on below questions?

  1. How to hide currency symbol from all relevant page if price is added to ads. It should be hidden from page such as timeline, Search result, Latest Ads, View Ads, Offer ..etc Refer attached image
  2. How to change the URL correct for all ads module? create-ad --> create-job , edit-ad --> edit-job , view-ad --> view-job, ads-categories --> jobs-categories .. etc. I tried to change the URL but I started getting error as page not found, so just wanted to make I am doing correctly.
  3. While posting ads, If i am selecting sub category then once I am clicking on Parent Category then I am not seeing any ads in result that was posted to sub category . In general if ads are posted in sub category then when parent category is browsed then it should display all ads from sub category belongs to Parents. How I can achieve this? same question was asked here but no response. https://unacms.com/d/ads-module-category-should-display-all
  4. When user click on ads search page. is it possible to automatically shows ads belongs to his country ? Example: ads search query can get executed dynamically and country should get populated based on ip address.
  5. For search page, is it possible to add a new fields called Keywords and once value is entered in this fields then it should search for text in title as well as description of ads?
  • 1753
    • Hello @deep !

      1) You may do it globally via changing the following line in the modules/boonex/ads/classes/BxAdsMenuSnippetMeta.php file from this one:

      $sPrice = _t_format_currency((float)$this->_aContentInfo[$CNF['FIELD_PRICE']]);

      to this variant:

      $sPrice = (float)$this->_aContentInfo[$CNF['FIELD_PRICE']];

      But remember about this change before any update because UNA will count this file as changed.

      2) It will require to find all ad(s) entries in the modules/boonex/ads/sql/install.sql and enable.sql and config.php files and the reinstallation of the app. It's better to wait our Jobs module release.

      3) Yes, it's a proper way in which it should work.

      4) Code modification will be required to check the logged user country and insert it into the browse method.

      5) Humm, by default the Ads Search form contains the searchable Text field. Or do you want to have the dynamic work of it?

      • hi @LeonidS , Thanks for reply.

        1) I will use javascript to hide currency symbol for now.

            document.querySelectorAll('.price').forEach(function(element) {
                element.textContent = element.textContent.replace(/[^0-9.,]/g, '').trim();

        2) What is tentative release dates for Jobs module? Since job module is coming, I will leave URL as is for now.

        3) I did not understood . Proper way should be to display all ads if parent category is selected . Now its displaying as empty.

        4) i will skip for now. Do you know if this is included in job module or not? If website is used in multiple country then it make sense to display jobs only from country user belongs until unless they specifically searching job from other country.

        5) Right now I have 2 fields Title and Text . User has to both fields to search. I want to combine as lets call it as "Keyword" . When user will fill text in this and search then it should search in both title and text fields then display all matching results.


        • 1) Ok, good one too!

          2) Watch out our blog - it will be informed there :-)

          3) Yes, for now it shows only the certain categories content.

          4) We will foresee this idea.

          5) You may use the System Search form with the pre-selected Ads within.

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