Added a discussion

I have a fresh install of Una latest version. I can't seem to upload a profile/cover image. I've gone through all the settings but can't seem to find the answer. This image shows but it has the spinning loading circle thing.


  • 860
    • Images are just broken. Can't figure it out.


      • This is what the console shows.


        • Hello @Blithers !

          I guess, the solution by @Alex T⚜️ in this thread https://unacms.com/cmts-view/z9tfe0?sys=bx_forum&cmt_id=43244 could be useful to fix this issue.

          • I had read that before but nothing worked. However, enabling/disabling varnish seems to show/break images. Not sure why.

            • it may be a permissions issue, can you describe more precisely what kind of setup you have?

              • Sorry, could you please specify this one?

                However, enabling/disabling varnish seems to show/break images.

                • So, on our first installation we had to turn of the varnish cache to get photos to show. We then tried out the spacenook config and changed permissions for that. Then decided to go back to current release with default template and never had that problem again. @Romulus might be right about a permissions issue. I'm not really sure.

                  • Did you install the application using Docker or directly on the server?

                    Installation Guide for the Application Using Docker and Composer

                    This guide provides detailed steps to install and run the application using Docker and Composer.

                    1. Clone the Repository

                    Start by cloning the application repository:

                    gh repo clone unacms/una una

                    or alternatively:

                    git clone https://github.com/unacms/una.git

                    Navigate into the cloned repository:

                    cd una

                    Switch to the desired branch (e.g., 14.0.0-RC3):

                    git checkout 14.0.0-RC3

                    2. Install Composer

                    Download the Composer Docker image:

                    docker pull composer/composer

                    Note: Depending on your PHP version, you may need a specific Composer version. The latest version may not work, so ensure you're using the correct one. It’s recommended to avoid installing PHP directly on the server.

                    3. Install PHP Dependencies Using Composer

                    Run the following command to install the PHP dependencies for the application composer latest tag:

                    docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/app" composer/composer install

                    This will execute Composer in a Docker container and install the required PHP dependencies in the current directory.

                    For releases: https://github.com/composer/composer/releases

                    for 2.2.9 tag example:

                    docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/app" composer/composer:2.2.9 install

                    Note: After the dependencies are installed, you can remove the Composer Docker image to save space:

                    docker rmi composer/composer

                    4. Build Docker Images

                    Once permissions are set, build the necessary Docker images for the services:

                    docker-compose build cron
                    docker-compose build php

                    5. Set Permissions

                    Before running Docker containers, ensure proper permissions are applied. Follow these steps:

                    1. Create a file for setting permissions:
                    vim set_permissions.sh
                    1. Copy and paste the following script into the file:
                    # sudo set_permissions.sh
                    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
                    sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
                    # Set permissions for specific directories
                    sudo find ./storage -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
                    sudo find ./tmp -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
                    sudo chmod 775 ./cache
                    sudo chmod 775 ./cache_public
                    sudo chmod 775 ./logs
                    sudo chmod 775 ./periodic
                    sudo chmod 775 ./storage
                    sudo chmod 775 ./tmp
                    # Set permissions for ./inc directories before installation
                    sudo chmod 755 ./inc
                    # GitHub Folders
                    sudo chown -R root:root ./.github
                    sudo chown -R root:root ./.git
                    sudo chmod -R 755 ./.github
                    sudo chmod -R 755 ./.git
                    # Set permissions for all files
                    sudo find ./ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
                    # Set execute permissions for specific files
                    sudo chmod +x ./plugins/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe
                    sudo chmod +x ./periodic/cron.php
                    sudo chmod +x ./image_transcoder.php
                    # GitHub Files
                    sudo chown root:root ./.gitignore
                    # Set permissions for specific files
                    sudo chown root:root ./docker-compose.yaml
                    sudo chown root:root ./.env
                    sudo chown root:root ./INSTALL.md
                    sudo chown root:root ./set_permissions.sh
                    # Set execute permissions for setup files
                    sudo chmod +x ./docker-compose.yaml
                    sudo chmod +x ./set_permissions.sh
                    1. Make the script executable:
                    chmod +x set_permissions.sh
                    1. Run the script:
                    sudo ./set_permissions.sh

                    This will apply the appropriate permissions for all directories and files as specified in the script.

                    6. Add Your Environment Variables

                    Set up your .env file with the necessary environment variables.

                    7. Run Docker Containers Using docker-compose

                    To run the application, use Docker Compose. Ensure your docker-compose.yml file is properly configured.

                    docker-compose up

                    This will start the Docker containers as defined in the docker-compose.yml file, enabling the application to run.

                    8. Access the Application

                    Once the application is running, open your web browser and navigate to www.example.com to access the application. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

                    This guide covers the steps to download Composer using Docker, install PHP dependencies, and run the application using Docker Compose.

                    Regarding Varnish, I don’t have experience with it personally. My projects typically use Memcached, Dragonfly, and Redis, with Nginx as a proxy and Caddy as a reverse proxy. However, if you provide more details about your Varnish setup, I can offer further suggestions based on your configuration.

                    • Another important consideration is setting the hostname correctly when your server is behind a proxy. At the UNA level, the hostname could either be localhost or your domain name, depending on the installation method. If the hostname is not configured properly, images and media files may fail to process. This configuration is dependent on both your web server (such as Nginx or Apache) and server-level settings. It’s unlikely that this issue is related to Varnish or any other caching system. However, if you provide logs and details of your setup, we may be able to investigate further. Without additional information, it's difficult to pinpoint the exact source of the issue.

                      How to Properly Report an Error?

                      When reporting an error, clear and structured information helps diagnose and resolve the problem quickly. Please follow these steps:

                      1. Describe the Issue Clearly
                      • What were you trying to do when the error occurred?
                      • What did you expect to happen?
                      • What actually happened?
                      1. Provide Error Messages and Logs
                      • Copy and paste the full error message.
                      • Include relevant logs from the system, application, or web server if possible.
                      • Highlight the exact timestamp of the error.
                      1. Mention Your Setup
                      • Operating system and version (e.g., Ubuntu 22.04, Debian 12).
                      • Software versions (e.g., PHP 8.1, MySQL 5.7, Nginx 1.20).
                      • Any special configurations (e.g., reverse proxy, custom settings).
                      1. Steps to Reproduce
                      • List the exact steps to recreate the error.
                      • If it’s a web-based issue, mention the browser used and whether cache/cookies were cleared.
                      1. Include Relevant Screenshots (if applicable)
                      • A screenshot of the error can help clarify the issue faster.
                      1. Check Before Reporting
                      • Have you tried restarting the service/system?
                      • Did you check the logs for additional hints?
                      • Did you search online for similar issues?

                      Providing detailed information will make troubleshooting much easier and help you get faster solutions.

                      Noted! When reporting errors, I will ensure that sensitive data, site names, personal information, and usernames are removed before sharing. Let me know if you need any additional guidelines.
                      Login or Join to comment.