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When using the standard page type with Articifer template is there an easy way to put the site menu on the left side of all pages or does it have to be added in the template? I know you can use css and add it to all pages manually but surely there is a way to do this that I'm missing?

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I'm having a hard time figuring out how to change the font in Articifer template. Is there a template font section?. I've tried adding it in styles and injecting css into the body section of the designer for the template but no luck. What format and where do I change? Some help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I am using the artificer template with a 3 column layout with menu on left and the widths are spaced evenly. How can I make the left aside div a smaller % than 33.3333%? I'm trying to set a custom width of each column for every page the same. I tried this in the custom styles are but doesn't seem to be working.

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Just read this post and was wondering if this was implemented or not. Where did you guys land on this topic?

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Are the default Persons module included with core the same as the People module that's advertised as a free app in the market?

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I have a fresh install of Una latest version. I can't seem to upload a profile/cover image. I've gone through all the settings but can't seem to find the answer. This image shows but it has the spinning loading circle thing.


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Any word on when any more starter kits will be available? Especially interested in Xitter & Tippit.

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Not sure what I did wrong here but I know something is missing. Anyone have this issue?

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I can't seem to figure out how to create an account on that site to test the demo of spacenook. Clicking on create new account just takes me back to login page. Am I missing something?

  • 895
Blithers Discussions
How to put site menu on left
How to change font?
How to change column widths?
Are pro apps free or not?
Persons vs People
Image upload problem