Trying to install 14.0.0 RC2 on shared hosting.
[02-Dec-2024 20:48:37 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(/home/p/pawface/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/p/pawface/ on line 120
[02-Dec-2024 20:48:37 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required '/home/p/pawface/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /home/p/pawface/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/p/pawface/ require_once()
#1 /home/p/pawface/ require_once('/home/p/pawface...')
#2 {main}
thrown in /home/p/pawface/ on line 120
Hello @slicedhead !
TThis is the usual problem on the share hostings. You may try to add the following change to your php.ini:
include_path = ".:/home/p/pawface/pawface.beget.techpublic_html"
But it's better to discuss with your hosting support.
Thank you for the answer.
Unfortunately, I was unable to get familiar with shared hosting and finally turned to more comfortable cloud server.
Just tried to setup 14.0.0-RC2 cloned from github, and received following:
Warning: require(/opt/una/install/../plugins/autoload.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/una/install/index.php on line 56 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required '/opt/una/install/../plugins/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /opt/una/install/index.php:56 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /opt/una/install/index.php on line 56
Some suggestions?
Yes, the shared hostings aren't good variant for the modern scripts. The error which you shown means the empty plugins folder which is filled during the Studio work. So it's better to use the this UNA package and install apps and update it form the Studio and Apps market there.
As for me, it would be much better to simply clone the appropriate distribution from GitHub to check it out.
You might like to understand the user's point of view: if something crashes during installation for testing purposes, it will definitely never work properly in production, despite all efforts."
BTW - you may use the Docker installation, see more details here
Happy Holidays! Having trouble with installation : [24-Dec-2024 14:47:56 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(/UNA/template/scripts_templ/BxTemplStudioConfig.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in \UNA\inc\ on line 955
[24-Dec-2024 14:47:56 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required '/UNA/template/scripts_templ/BxTemplStudioConfig.php' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in \UNA\inc\
Stack trace:
#0 \UNA\studio\classes\BxDolStudioTemplate.php(84): bx_import('BxTemplStudioCo...')
#1 \UNA\studio\classes\BxDolStudioTemplate.php(66): BxDolStudioTemplate->init()
#2 \UNA\inc\classes\BxDolCacheUtilities.php(74): BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance()
#3 \UNA\inc\classes\BxDolCacheUtilities.php(56): BxDolCacheUtilities->_action('template', 'clear')
#4 \UNA\studio\classes\BxDolStudioLanguagesUtils.php(174): BxDolCacheUtilities->clear('template')
#5 \UNA\studio\classes\BxDolStudioInstaller.php(665): BxDolStudioLanguagesUtils->compileLanguage(0, true)
#6 \UNA\studio\classes\BxDolStudioInstaller.php(997): BxDolStudioInstaller->actionUpdateLanguages('install')
#7 \UNA\studio\classes\BxDolStudioInstaller.php(217): BxDolStudioInstaller->_perform('install', Array)
#8 \UNA\studio\classes\BxDolStudioInstallerUtils.php(277): BxDolStudioInstaller->install(Array)
#9 \UNA\install\classes\BxDolInstallSiteConfig.php(425): BxDolStudioInstallerUtils->perform('boonex/english/', 'install')
#10 \UNA\install\classes\BxDolInstallSiteConfig.php(401): BxDolInstallSiteConfig->processModuleByField('home_uri', 'en', Array, 'language')
#11 \UNA\install\classes\BxDolInstallSiteConfig.php(383): BxDolInstallSiteConfig->processModuleByUri('en', Array, 'language')
#12 \UNA\install\classes\BxDolInstallSiteConfig.php(296): BxDolInstallSiteConfig->processModules(Array)
#13 \UNA\install\classes\BxDolInstallSiteConfig.php(246): BxDolInstallSiteConfig->processConfigData(Array)
#14 \UNA\install\classes\BxDolInstallController.php(89): BxDolInstallSiteConfig->getFormHtml()
#15 \UNA\install\classes\BxDolInstallController.php(24): BxDolInstallController->actionSiteConfig()
#16 \UNA\install\index.php(59): BxDolInstallController->run('site_config')
#17 {main}
thrown in \UNA\inc\ on line 955
Thanks in advance!
Hello @Kalizans !
Could you please specify 2 points:
1) what server solution do you use to test our UNA locally?
1) does this file really exist in this path /UNA/template/scripts_templ/BxTemplStudioConfig.php?
Thank you so much for getting back! I'm testing it locally on Windows 10 with IIS and no the file does not exist.
Also now I get this error BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS as undefined.
Do you use the default UNA 13.1 package from here ? Also, on what direve did you install IIS?
No I did not. Let me download that and will get back. Tks
Actually, that's the version I downloaded (14.0.0-RC2). I have installed it on an external drive. Is that a problem?
I fixed those problems and now I have this error /index.php?action=finish
Unable to connect
An error occurred during a connection
Also do you need wincache.dll?
It looks like smth has happened with your local host. Did you try to restart it?
Solved all the above excepting one. Will check with you later. Have a great day
I guess it could be very useful for other users with IIS to show all steps which you performed to fix met issues.
Ok will do
Some issues I faced and how I fixed them.
2. UNA
4. URL REWRITE - check microsoft website for approved links to download url rewrite
After installing PHP change the PATH System ->Advanced Settings-> Enivornment Variables -> Path (system variables)
Also had to change in una/inc directory the following files: define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS', to-local-una-plugin-directory BX_DOL_URL_ROOT , to-local-site-url
Open IIS. Select your website, then URLRewrite in the middle panel and click on import rules. Open the .htaccess file in UNA directory and import the rules
Make sure the temp directory has rights for the local user (that was set up while creating the website using IIS)
cmd php.exe -v to figure out error. MIBs were missing.
Axigen Mail server : Logged on as admin to download MIB files and in my case had to place it is usr/share/snmp/MIBS
Cron job:
Use task scheduler. Only has 5 minutes and not a 1 minute option. Just type in 1 minute and problem solved.
After installing and when going to the una storefront gave a URI redirect error. Ignored it and just downloaded apps to local server, unzipped and installed them.
Hope this helps!